First Saturday of each month
Flea & Maker's Market Vendor Rules
Sell: collectibles, crafts, jewelry, horse tack, art, car parts, tools, household goods, decorations, clothing, photography
Prohibited to sell: Alcohol, Weapons, Ammunition, Drugs or paraphernalia, E cigarettes, Vaping, Food, Fireworks
Seller Rules:
No overnight parking. Load in starts at 7 AM. Load Out by 2:30 PM, take all items & trash. Stalls must always be attended. Not responsible for lost or stolen items. Stalls 10’ X 10’ @ $35, payable as a donation to TCLA Nonprofit #770542336. Venmo @TempletonLibrary. Additional end of event donations appreciated, but not required.
Refund Policy: Rain cancels event. Rain checks will be issued for the following month, or you can apply for a full refund from TCLA – with name, date of event & business name.