A place to gather and grow
PO Box 292 (mail and donations)
1173 S. Main St.
Templeton, CA 93465
805 221-5372
Request a Book
If we don't have a book that you are interested in, we can order it for you.
Email the title and author to Library.Templeton@gmail.com or click below
Why are we not a county library?
In 1979, SLO County closed Templeton Library after Prop 13 and never reopened it.
TCLA formed in 2000 to continue the dream of a Boy Scout who wanted to build a community library. The County agreed to a 50-50 partnership.
By 2019 TCLA had raised their half of the funds but the County had no funds. When Covid hit, SLO County officials told TCLA to build a library, but they could not guarantee operating it. We downsized our plans, built and furnished the library and opened January 3, 2023 with all volunteers.
SLO County collects 1.6% of Templeton property taxes for library services, but none of those funds flow back to our community library. It funds 14 other county branches.
Library Card
Get your library card now. Click on link below, to sign-up online or stop by the Library for an application. New library card applicants receive a one used book from our book shop!
Library Catalog
Visit our online catalogue. Library card holders can reserve books in advance.
Book Clubs
Please call to inquire about availability.
Space is limited to 10-12 chairs.
Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator:
Nancy Whitt: 805 975-5991
or come by during open hours.
We need your help! Please join our team! Click on the link below if you are interested in volunteering!